I don't know if its just me but for some reason since starting my blog I have felt under pressure to post. And being under pressure makes my mojo disappear. And I get extremely jealous that other people seem to have loads of mojo and can post lots! (Cant believe I have just admitted that!) And I feel that everything I post should be linked to a challenge - aaaah the stress!!!
So I have come to the conclusion that I will be posting a
'Whatever Wednesday' post every Thursday sorry Wednesday (lol) in order to keep my silly self from the feeling this mysterious pressure to post all of the time!!This may be non-craft related post, in fact it will most likely be non craft related post lol!!
Soooooooooo.......... my first
Whatever Wednesday......
Cakes :)
I made these bad boys quite awhile ago and they manged to cause quite a stir when I posted them on Facebook lol.
They are raspberry and coconut sponges cakes with a raspberry jam filling, glace icing and dunked in coconut (slight addiction to coconut!)

I cut a little square out of the cake, filled it with jam and stuck the cake back on the top.
This is the bf hold the cakes by the way! I am not that hairy!!!
I then smothered it in jam and pink icing and then dunked it in a bowl of coconut. This hid the little cuts. A bit of a faff but totally worth it!
So there you have it! They were pretty scrummy too even if I do say so myself!
Right Uni works calls :( watching the whole Letters and Sound DVD and writing down each activity is beyond fun!! NOT!!! Lol.
Rachael :) xxx