Phew another week over!! Anyone know where it disappeared to lol?
I have a few crafty creations in progress but nothing finished just yet sooooo this weeks topic is...
Children in Need
I thought I would share some photos of the cakes I made to sell at Guides to raise some money for Children in Need.
I made both vanilla and chocolate cakes.
I used coloured chocolate drops (cheap Smarties lol) to act like the spots on Pudsey bears headscarf.
We found proper Pudsey cake cases in ASDA too and of course I couldnt resist!!
I also made a few for Tom and I to eat with little sugar craft bears we also found at ASDA yummy!!
The cakes went down a storm, well any food does with our lot!
We also attempted to make a giant Pudsey out of 1p and 2p pieces and it took an hour but we got there!

We made an outline with large sheets of yellow paper as the coins didn't show up on the wooden floor.
Pudseys head being formed!
And a nearly finished Pudsey!
The ole camera died just as it was finished which I was gutted about because the girls had worked so hard and I was really impressed with it too! We raised £35 in total which is fab and is twice as much as last year! And the Guides all enjoyed themselves which is fab too!
Well must go, full day of phonics training at Uni tomorrow :s can you tell I'm excited ha ha lol!
Hope you are all well! Ill be round to visit you all soon :)
Rachael xxx